This painting is based on a photo of my son years ago on a North Carolina beach. Prismacolor colored pencil were used on Strathmore 500 Drawing paper, 24" by 18". This paper was selected due to its very smooth surface, which adds in getting the reflective quality.
The painting was begun going from left to right, top to bottom. However, I also decided to complete it in sections, with the sky first followed by the drier sand to the right, then the wet reflective sand. The ocean was next, then the reflection and finally the boy.
The sky was created by applying a layer of Light Peach first. Then Cloud Blue was applied over the entire Light Peach area, including the center section. The left and right sides of the sky were darkened by Blue Slate followed by light touches of Celadon Green. Final applications of Cool Grey were then applied.
The drier area of sand on the right was begun using Light peach. a layer of Putty Beige was then placed over the sand area with a lighter touch used towards the top and a heavier application at the bottom. Areas were then covered by a light layer of Goldenrod creating warmth. The pebbles and shells were covered with Tuscan Red and Peach, with their shadows in Goldenrod. Additional areas were covered in Blue Slate, Sandbar Brown, Ginger Root and Artichoke. The bottom corner was darkened using layers of Black Cherry, Black Grape, Tuscan Red, Denim Blue and Ultramarine. Final layers of Warm Grey were the last touches.
The wet sand was started with a layer of Light Peach. As with the sky, this entire area was covered with a light layer of Cloud Blue. With the exception of the area in front of the boy, Blue Slate was applied in a lighter manner at the top and then more heavily applied towards the bottom of the page. The darker area at the bottom was created by applying Ginger Root first followed by various shades of blue, including Blue Slate, Copenhagen Blue, Denim Blue and Ultramarine. I also used Black Cherry in small amounts.
With the exception of the foam areas, the ocean was begun as were the other areas, with a light layer of Light Peach. This was covered by Cloud Blue. The water was finished by layers of various shades of blue including Blue Slate, Caribbean Sea, Copenhagen Blue and Light Cerulean Blue. Areas were also highlighted with Jade Green, Muted Turquoise and Ultramarine. The edge of the water on the sand has created by first using Tuscan Red, then Celadon Green followed by Blue Slate in areas.
The reflection of the boy in the water was one of the last pieces completed. The shirt area of the reflection was created by Light Peach, Salmon Pink, Celadon Green. On the remaining portions of the reflection, a layer of Salmon Pink was applied first followed by an application of Pale Vermilion in the darker areas. The next darker areas then had Crimson Red applied over the Pale Vermilion. The darkest areas of all had Crimson Lake applied over the Crimson Red. Then a layer was 70% Warm Grey. was placed over the entire reflection followed by a light application of Blue Slate and Black Grape in order to integrate the image with the surrounding area.
The boy was the last piece of the image to be completed. The shorts and shows were done first. The "black" here was created by applying a thick layer of Black Grape followed by an application of Light Umber. The shirt was created using White, Cloud Blue, Lavender, Light Peach and Salmon Pink with a tiny area near the face of Mineral Orange.
The boy's skin was created using Salmon Pink, Pale Vermilion, Mineral Orange, Pumpkin Orange, Yellowed Orange and Beige. The hair is primarily Beige with areas of Light Umber, Mineral Orange, Pumpkin Orange, and touches of Tuscan Red.